Conflicting Guidance on Who Needs to Quarantine After Travel 

March 3, 2021

By: Adam P. Mastroleo

As a bonus to Bond’s March 2 webinar about the evolving legal implications of COVID-19 for business, Bond labor and employment attorney Adam P. Mastroleo addressed a question many New Yorkers have been asking now that COVID-19 vaccines are more readily available: If we’ve been vaccinated, do we still need to quarantine after traveling?

The answer, unfortunately, is not entirely clear, due to conflicting guidance from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the state Department of Health and some counties that have issued their own rules. As a consequence, Bond attorneys recommend checking with your local health authority.

The full presentation covered the following topics:

  • COVID Relief Legislation – Status Update and Highlights
  • OSHA COVID Citations and Things to Keep an Eye On I
  • Tracking COVID Legislation – Things to Keep an Eye On II
  • Travel Quarantine Status and Update
  • Update from Albany

Click here to view the webinar in its entirety or to register for upcoming Tuesday presentations.