Remote Work – Once the Exception, Soon the Rule?

February 24, 2021

By: Andrew D. Bobrek

As a bonus to Bond’s Feb. 23 webinar about the evolving legal implications of COVID-19 for business, Bond labor and employment attorney Andrew D. Bobrek talked about the latest legal issues raised by remote work arrangements.

In early 2020, many businesses scrambled to move workers offsite as quickly as possible, and then worked out the details on the fly. These days, however, many employers are looking at remote work through the lens of long-term engagement and as an enticement tool in their recruitment and retention efforts.

These work-from-home arrangements, while beneficial in many respects, raise significant legal issues related to tax withholding, corporate registration and jurisdictions, sexual harassment training, paid leave, time recording, expense reimbursement and more. 
It’s important for employers to have agreements in place that set expectations for employees and make clear that failure to comply could put the remote work arrangement in jeopardy.

The full presentation covered the following topics:

  • PPP Update
  • New York State Division of Human Rights (SDHR) Conciliation Updates
  • Update from Albany
  • Remote Workers I – Tax and Payroll Issues
  • Remote Workers II – Other Employment Law Considerations

Click here to view the webinar in its entirety or to register for upcoming Tuesday presentations.