Robert Manfredo to Speak at 2018 CRHRA Annual Conference and Marketplace

March 28, 2018

Human Resource professionals at all levels in their organizations, including generalists, specialists, and HR executives – from the Capital Region of New York and beyond – attend this conference each year.The conference’s goal is to present timely, informative, and motivational programs to meet the varied needs and interests of HR professionals throughout the Capital Region.

Workshops/sessions will meet the needs of all members, including skill building, legal/compliance, and senior-level with a focus on:

  • Best practices of HR knowledge and expertise
  • Specific "take home" tools to empower participants to look a their practices and add value to their organizations

Conference includes the opportunity to attend an hour long presentation on Unique and Challenging ADA Accommodation Issues by Robert Manfredo of Bond in Concurrent Session I.


Thursday, March 29, 2018
Empire State Plaza Convention Center, Albany, NY

Click here for the registration packet    |    Click here to register for this event