The "New" NLRB Signals Changes For Both Unionized and Non-Union Employers: Are You Ready? (March 2011)

January 25, 2011

BS&K's Statewide Labor and Employment Law, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation and Immigration Law Practice is pleased to continue its on-going program of providing Senior Executives, General Counsel and HR Professionals with timely insight and information concerning the ever-shifting landscape in the employment environment. The following topics will offer a thorough review of major areas that concern and currently affect the workplace.

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This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute.

Please note time difference between Downstate and Upstate locations.

Garden City / New York City

Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

All Other Cities

Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Program Description
Although the much anticipated "Employee Free Choice Act" appears to have been permanently derailed, President Obama's pro-labor appointees to the National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB") are beginning to make their mark through administrative rather than legislative channels. These changes will greatly affect both unionized and non-union employers. This Breakfast Briefing will provide you with the latest update on recent developments from the "Obama NLRB." This Briefing will include discussion of:

  • The NLRB's new workplace posting rule -- what does the rule require; what penalties does the Board intend to pursue for non-compliance; and what impact will this have on organizing?
  • The NLRB's new electronic posting rule for unfair labor practice findings and Board supervised settlements
  • New, harsher penalties for employer unfair labor practice charges
  • The NLRB's new position on social media and its potential use in organizing and pre-organizing settings -- a discussion of legal traps for employers
  • NLRB precedents under fire -- possible reversal of existing caselaw by the Obama NLRB, including:
    • Weingarten rights (employee rights to co-worker representation in discipline interviews) for non-union employees
    • Use of e-mail and access to Employers' facilities
    • The definition of supervisors -- the Board's expected narrowing of the definition to expand the pool of individuals who can organize
  • Organizing rules -- what changes are in store?