Complying with HIPAA and the NY HERO Act
October 5, 2021
By: Theresa E. Rusnak
As a bonus to Bond’s October 5 Back to Business webinar, Bond labor and employment lawyer Theresa E. Rusnak answers questions about COVID-19 vaccinations and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the 1996 federal law that created national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent. For example, can employers ask job candidates if they’ve been vaccinated? Tune in to hear Theresa’s take.
In addition, Bond government relations attorney Caitlin A. Anderson provides the latest news on the New York Health and Essential Rights Act (NY HERO Act) now that the designation of COVID-19 as a serious public health risk has been extended to October 31. What does it mean for New York businesses? Caiti weighs in.
The full presentation covered the following topics:
- HERO Act Update and NY Paid COVID Leave (Expiration of the FFCRA)
- HHS Guidance on COVID and HIPAA
- Update from Albany
Click here to view the webinar in its entirety or to register for upcoming Tuesday presentations.