New York Institutions: New Amendments to the Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013 Signed into Law by Governor Cuomo

December 6, 2016

By: Frank J. Patyi

university-arch-300x200On November 28, 2016, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation enacting another round of amendments to the Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013.  The amendments should ease compliance with the NPRA’s related party transaction rules by incorporating express exceptions, allowing for committee approval, authorizing ratification of past transactions, and narrowing the universe of persons subject to the rules. Private colleges and universities in New York State would be well advised to update their governance documents to incorporate these changes so that their governance documents do not prevent them from taking advantage of these provisions.  In addition, New York institutions should review their governing documents for compliance with other changes made by the amendments, including changes relating to (1) the definition of interested directors (trustees); (2) the formation, composition and authority of Board committees; (3) the role of audit committees; and (4) certain procedural aspects of conflict of interest.